Title:Chapter One Author: Tanya & Charli Genre: Romance (aka fluff) / Period / Short / Time travel Rating: NC-17 (smutty sexy goodness) Disclaimer: Robin Hood and friends belong to the BBC. Tanya and Charli belong to us. Do not steal them!
Blurb:This story is based on the BBC 2006 Robin Hood
Staying up late at night looking at junk on the internet sounds like a normal thing for a young woman to do right? And walking into the bathroom at Starbucks, after a long shopping trip the next day, is also perfectly normal. Right?
Little did Charli and Tanya realise that their next step would begin their whirlwind adventure with eight visitors from eight hundred years ago. From witchcraft in shopping malls to eating snails in a French restaurant, follow them through the story as both parties learn things about themselves that they never thought they would, as they learn to laugh, to cry and to love. Could it be the stuff legends are made from?
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