Title: Untitled Author: Steph Genre: Fluff Rating: PG-13 I guess Pairings?: Matt / other Disclaimer: Dammit he ain't mine! Author's Notes: I'm very interested in the topic of Matt's relationship. Not what they do together or anything but how they make it work with him being all rockstar and gone and the trust they must have. Who's ready for some prose? Feedback is love.
He walks out the door like it's all so easy for him A kiss goodbye A smile A promise
I let my life be lived around a phonecall The waiting The ring His voice
Words are all that we have for now I love you I love you too
He walks in the door like he never even left me His smell His eyes His touch
We make love like it's all we ever needed His lips His tongue His breath
And in the morning he may be there or he may be gone but it's mine his heart forever.